Pre-order your Qurbani for next year
We select a small humanely reared sheep or goat so you can fulfil your Qurbani. We carefully select from local- farms so you can be assured you're donating quality meat. At save an Orphan, we ensure our small sheep or goats are eligible for Qurbani and are in perfect condition and of age.
We deliver meat that’s healthy and humanely reared to families across Asia and Africa so you can uphold this special sunnah.
Donate one small sheep or goat for £60 to complete one Qurbani. We make sure your Qurbani reaches the poor and needy who are eligible to receive it.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “It is the Sunnah of your father Ibrahim (as). For every hair of the Qurbani you receive a reward from Allah (swt)."