That is equalivilant to about 194.6 million people experiencing hunger. The country also faces high rates of child malnutrition, with 35.5% of children under five being stunted and 18.7% wasted. Despite being one of the world's largest producers of food, India grapples with significant food insecurity due to factors such as poverty, inequality, and climate change.
We are actively addressing hunger and malnutrition in India by providing nutritious meals and food packs to orphans, children, and vulnerable communities. Collaborating with local partners, we strive to enhance food security and deliver essential, life-saving nutrition to those in critical need.
is undernourished, meaning around 194.6 million people lack sufficient access to food.
under five are stunted, and 18.7% are wasted, indicating poor nutrition and lack of adequate food
faces some form of food insecurity, primarily due to poverty
You are helping to feed families in India and fight food poverty, ensuring fewer people are going to bed each night on an empty stomach. By providing food support, you’ll be crucially saving lives.
"He is not a believer who fills his stomach while his neighbour goes hungry.”
Prophet Muhammad (saw)