A Whole Mosque

Build a Whole Mosque and provide a communal space for  worship and community 

Building a Whole Mosque enables hundreds of people to have a place to pray their daily prayers and connect with God. It also allows a place for learning, comfort and a place for the community to come together in times of conflict and need. 

A Mosque in the community is vital for those living in poverty as it provides a safe space for congregation and support, where children can learn about their faith.

At Save an Orphan, we use your donations to create a Mosque in a safe and easily accessible place so the wider poorer community can access it. It will include vital rooms for prayers and have clean and new equipment so they can complete their prayers in peace.

“Whoever builds a Mosque for the sake of Allah (SWT), Allah (SWT) will build for him likewise in Paradise.”

Prophet Muhammed (saw)

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