‘Indeed, those men and women who give in charity and lend to Allah a good loan will have it multiplied for them, and they will have an honourable reward’

[Quran 57:18]

Committed to transforming lives of communities worldwide.

Save an Orphan is a UK registered humanitarian aid charity dedicated to improving the lives of orphaned children, widowed families and the communities they live in throughout the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

By working closely with our partners on the ground, we are able to distribute aid in an effective, efficient, transparent and wholly accountable manner, making a lasting difference to the communities we work with.

Delivering Our Vision

Save an Orphan is committed to transforming the lives of orphaned children by creating lasting change in the communities they live in.

We are leading the way in providing specialist and complete orphan care and recognise our responsibility towards vulnerable children, widows, guardians and the poverty-stricken communities they live in.

We provide water relief, food provisions, shelter and education to livelihood support and sustainable solutions, aiming to help orphans and the communities they live in to break out of the cycle of poverty.

Our Values

As a faith-based charity our values form our unique identity as an Islamic
charity. They define how we serve the most vulnerable people around the
world on our donors’ behalf.


Striving for Ihsan. Excel in all that we do to provide effective and efficient aid.

Accountable and Transparent

Open and Honest. Transparent in our communications and feedback showing confidence in what we do.


Being Just and Fair. Provide opportunities to those we serve and distributing aid equally.

Trust and Respect

Work with honour – Treat every individual and every community we work alongside with respect and honour.


Create empowered communities. Enable ownership and empowerment in the communities we support.


From the heart. We are working with sincerity to help those suffering across the world.

Muslim Giving

Inspired by Islamic values, Save an Orphan is here to facilitate Muslim Giving for our donors and dedicated partners.

We are the vehicle to fulfil your obligations, give with your heart’s intent and support vulnerable people with your generous donations while you receive maximum reward.

A man’s true wealth is in the good that he does in this world.”

The Prophet (saw) is reported to have said. [Abu Huraira]

Where most needed

Donate and support our work in providing vital aid within poverty-stricken
communities and help those who need it most.

More ways to donate

Donation Hotline

Call our administration team on our Donation hotline in order to donate, they will be happy to assist with any queries you have.

CALL 0113 4032046

Donate by Bank Transfer

Transfer the funds to the below Details:

BankAl Rayan Bank
Save an Orphan

Sort Code: 30-00-83

Account number: 01342201


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